My Story

 Everyone has a story. One day yours may help someone else. I'm a high school  and college graduate. I graduated with an associates degree as a medical administrative assistant. I was a licensed Optician for 4 years and a Licensed Insurance Rep for 6 years. I am currently enrolled at the National Academy of  Sports and Medicine. I have already obtained my virtual coaching specialist certification and I am CPR/AED certified. 

I have been married to my amazing husband for over 10 years. We have 4 beautiful children. We moved to South Carolina shortly after getting  married. We lived there for 6 years. We had 2 of our children there and made a beautiful life for ourselves. Filled with love from friends who turned into family. One of our best life decisions. An amazing career opportunity was in the works and a we made a mutual decison to take the offer closer to home. We were both a little home sick. We moved back home. Then Covid hit. Our youngest son was diagnosed with autism in the same year. I was stressing about everything from big career expectations from the company and family concerns. It was the most stressful and unhappiest I had ever been at a job. I started losing myselfy and my confidence. I started gaining more weight, and my health started declining. It was so much going on. My husband and I made a mutal decision that my health was more important and they needed me here and alive. The stress was killing me. It was not a easy decision. I resigned. About a year later I starting to feel low. Regret and self doubt started to creep in. I was eating what I wanted when I wanted and how ever much I wanted. I had a double chin. I looked like I was 8 months pregnant.  I could barley chase my kids around and have fun without being exhausted. I was just a mess inside and out.

One day I was sitting on the couch and my sweet 4 year old son looked at me and said "Mommy your stomach is fat and jiggly " he goes on to say "we need to execrise" I was so caught off guard but we all  know kids are brutally  honest. We got up and we did some jumping jacks. That truth hurt but I needed to hear that. I cried to my husband later that night. He said "well babe what are you going to do about it?"

I had already  been on this jounery  2 years prior. I lost 30lbs but I gained 30 back plus 10 more. I prayed and asked God to help me to stay consistent this time. I asked him to give me the strenth to be more discplined. I was determined and commited to not give up on myself. My husband was my accoutabilty partner and we did the work together. Once I started to believe in myslef everything starting to change. I started meditating. Investing in self development and I  have been growing and evolving since. God is so good. I walk by faith and not by sight.   I will never give up on myself again!